Tuesday, November 25, 2008


The recent ballot initiatives around the nation that defined marriage as between one man & one woman passed in many states, even liberal California.
I find this very disturbing. Why should a man or woman be denied the same rights as any other simply because they are physically & emotionally attracted to the same sex? The religious establishments that provide support & funding for these ballot initiatives are doing a disservice to their God, in my opinion. How could a benevolent God turn away from his creations?
I am not condoning the actions of rioters or people that hurt others...although I understand their frustration...this type of behavior is unacceptable & ultimately hurts in the court of public opinion.
My brother has battled this discrimination his entire life. In the interest of full disclosure, I have not always been so supportive of gay rights. I thought they should have them but getting those rights was their problem, not mine. Thanks to the Bush presidency, I now realize that it is every one's responsibility to make sure that all Americans are treated equally.
How we can take away rights from individuals in modern America is beyond me.
I hope that some day we can read the words...that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights...without a wink...

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