Saturday, November 1, 2008

Almost election day

Well, well. Here we are just 3 days from election day. I had hoped to be more involved with both the local and national Democratic campaigns for this critical election but my work and schooling have overwhelmed me. Here's a history of my political evolution:

I was raised a strong Republican and devout Catholic in my childhood. My parents to this day are hardcore Republicans and enthusiastic McCain supporters. I started leaning to the center-left as I exited high school (One of my original dreams was to get a poly-sci degree) and in the 90's, with a new family & career I didn't pay much attention to politics at all. As the new millennium opened (not because I got older!!) I started to become more interested in politics and my stake in the world. I still identified myself as a Republican, especially on business, but began to find myself questioning what the Republican base stood for.

The day we invaded Iraq in March of 2003 I went to the local Democratic party office and changed my registration to Democrat. Since that time I have become a very strong Democrat and support every major position in that party save one, abortion. While I still believe abortion is wrong the issue is not a litmus test for me and I feel too strongly on the other major social and economic issues to be anything other than a proud and staunch Democrat.

I feel we are the verge of something great here and can only hope that Obama wins on Tuesday!!

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