Saturday, March 7, 2009

Rick's newest thoughts...

Here is Rick's latest response...

Cliff, First and foremost- it is great to hear from you. I hear great things about you and your progress at CAMDS, keep up the good work. How is school going?

On to our agreements and disagreements.

I ABSOLUTELY agree that at the heart of our nations lack of ability to achieve greater things lies in wasting away hours in front of the idiot box. That is what has contributed to me lobbing political grenades at those I know the most to at least attempt to find some truthes in what is going on in the world and hopefully share the positives of all to my children, not just my biased opinion. I hope that as all of you have children you have noticed the holes in our childrens understanding of the world passed the mall, and as they get inevitably closer to going out on their own, that we may collectively find mutual and reasonable positives to share with them before their heads are filled by someone with a biased/ unfounded ideas. In essence, I hope that we may be able to at a minimum find a way to sift through the atrosities both new and old, mix in the great ideas humanity has discovered, and share these not yet discovered ideas with our children so that they might aid in creating that opportunity of equality mixed with hope and knowledge.

To begin with some of my disagreements I would start with Deterrance:

Why did Rome fail? Was it because of their military? their military allowed their conquered enemies the freedom to join and even advance in rank based on their loyalty to the empire and their performance on the battle field. If my memory serves me I believe Romes downfall was brought on by the political rot from within. To say that it did not fail and that we are a continuation of the Roman empire is Naive, we are similar, but as similar to the Roman Empire as we are to the Ming dynasty; similarities perhaps but not the same. Sorry, rambling here, my point is this- Rome started out successful by uniting multiple cultures with incompatible differences by giving them all a common way of life. There strength was their military. Maybe that is it, a Democratic Military.

Is deterance right, perhaps not, but without a military, there will be fear, either real as what happen to the peace keeping nations of what is now China, or imagined fear. You said it best, people trade freedoms for security. I suppose it is a doubled edge sword, but if it doesn't convert the world to devoted Americans, it at least allows those that are already devoted Americans the opportunity to ponder ideas on how to spread love, hope, and peace through out the world.

Military Image is what holds back our nations greatness. I am not saying that we have made sound military decisions but the media could at least show some of the good things our military has done.

I said before that carriers were the tip of the spear for our war machine but they are also our greatest asset when it comes to world humanity. The media rarely breaks into the prime time idiot box to show photos of our Marines, Navy, National guard providing food and water when natural desasters hit as it did during Katrina, Sri Lanka, the link above. That is what needs to be the new level of deterance. The idea that a military with the capability to destroy the world several times over also is used to make the world better for those whom were not given an equal starting point.

On a side question: how does the idea of unfair advantage at starting factor in to anyones success in Seligman? If anything we were all at an unfair disadvantage yet all seem to be doing rather well without the assistance of equal opportunity or the welfare system.

As for paying for our sins in regards to slavery, reservations, etc; How? Our government gave money for education to EVERY indian I graduated with- that wanted it. Nearly all are DEAD, handicap, or are in jail. How did "paying for their sins" help any of them? Wesley Davis took the same road you and I did. He joined the military and learned the fundamentals that are guaranteed to all Americans. That fundamental is guaranteed to those who choose to take the challenge to see what they are made of and further yet, what they can become by believing in their brothers in arms over their brothers at home. Sure we can all rationalize and say that this is coincidence, that he is succeeding because of several other reasons, that you, Jon and I are doing well because of a multitude of differences but consider this, the same ideas that we learned by playing sports in school taught us how to work with others, which is the same fundamental- should I say core value that the military builds our military. Sports are truly nothing more than peacetime war. I am sure Jon can do the research on this one.

Any ways, as for paying for sins of our fathers, I disagree. For those whose ancestors committed the sins, what good does it do to have their desendance pay for what they did not do? Are we not all individuals? I thought we were trying to make us all equal? doesn't affirmitive action just continue multitudes of reasons to carry on the resentment. Yes, the "white man" brought the slaves to America, but they bought them from African tribes that already sold their enemies at market, into this slavery we are paying for. Should we hold the farmer accountable for selling the potato to McDonalds causing us to be fat? Or worse should we make McDonalds pay tribute to those that are fat because they had a hand in it? Come on, when would it end? Negativity breads negativity.Even if you look at this from the other side you have what is happening in areas like Atlanta. You can label me racist, call me insensitive, but call it what you like: the "white man" moves out of communities that become black communities because of "reverse racism" created by that very affirmitive action put in place to equalize the playing field. Haven't we made up for "keeping the brother down?" For crying out loud- we have a black president, with a muslim/mid-eastern name? Tell me how I am keeping Mr Hussein-Obama from succeeding? Tell me how I should pay for sins committed against his wife? I didn't see my company put in a jungle gym outside of my office so I could watch my kids play, did you get one? All I am saying is we will never reach equality as a nation until we learn from the past, move on, and protect ALL under the same set of books.

As for those who strap bombs to themselves and run into crowded areas, I could easily call it cowardous, but I have a hard time calling them "otherwise reasonable." Our own government proved that under extreme situations you can train anyone to do your bidding. See previous discussions for further info but keep in mind- if you started training your children to hate cheese and all of those who support it, you could probably have them pretty convinced to strike out against the local dairy. Now quit your job, blame all of your failures, and their, hunger, and negativity to your childs lessons as you only spend time with him to talk about how evil the cheese makers are as you teach him terrorist tactics to effectivly blow up the cheese factory. Now top this off by telling him how proud you would be if he would strap a bomb to his person and prove his love to you- Tell me now- what do we learn first, love of our parents or how to be otherwise reasonable?

On a final note: no child left behind is not only irresponsible, it is unaceptable. Tell me how dumbing down the masses is going to make us all better? Did you know that all- ALL of my children had to re-learn math? they were coasting through the Utah education system with A's and the ocasional B, except for Richelle because she was bored and non conforming. When we moved to a poor community that couldn't afford and even refused to update their books to "discovery math", my children that were coasting through with A's couldn't even maintain a D for the first year we were here. Richelle joined study group volunteering to stay an extra hour 3 times a week, an extra hour of her own time on her own free will. She is getting 1 B and the rest A's because she is challenged. Are we to turn our back on the human ability to say that there are no more Beethovens, Einstiens, or Newtons? are we to say that we are betterto dumb down the society so that those less fortunate can thrive? If that is true then perhaps I am living in the wrong place. How does that support democrocay and free markets?

IMHO it seems that greed at the top causes our recent problems. I fear the day that our dumbed down society reaches the working population. You think it is bad now that 1% controls what was it? 27% of all the money in the country?

Ok, sorry if I sound angry or fanatical. I believe there are truths in what you have said, as there were truth's in the email I have yet to respond to (Jon). I also believe that I do not have all the right answers and that I have much to learn before I start sharing this with my children. In short, I am open minded despite how closed my ideas might seem to my liberated friends( sorry- couldn't help the subtle jab)lol. I challenge all of you to read with open minds, to devote as much of the energies you have thus far invested to sharing your view, to devote at least as much into helping us in sifting out the positives of humanity. We can't change the world on our own, but perhaps collectively we can do our part in helping our children with being responsible for their little parts in the world. If we can do this then maybe we can all someday look back with satisfaction of leaving this world better than we found it.

Cliff, I thank you for joining in. I look forward to hearing your response. As always,Take care and God bless, Rick K.

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