Sunday, March 8, 2009

A fourth person jumps in...

Here is another one of Rick's friends ideas of our discussion...

Rich,Took a long time to calm down to reply to this one.

Took that team spirit approach that worked so well in classes.

Two questions;Who is the person who talks like those with their head in the sand? A Friend I hope you can show the way.

While he quotes history so well I found it interesting he did not talk about the failed Governments that had no military or turned their backs on them (their military). Those Societies appeared to slip back a decade or two, or just quietly fell as an influence in the world, thus their country became unimportant to others and some ceased to exist. History repeats its self if one does not learn. Look back into history at Japan, USSR, Rome, England, and hey look deep in history at the Inca civilization (once a very large power in their time). Or one can look at WW1&2 the US like England did not want war at any cost and almost lost it all (remember Pearl). If that's hard then stay in the near past history. Iran, Korea, Vietnam, or better yet when the military was cut in half by Clinton we ended up in Iraq (twice) & that other dirt hole and if that's too long ago THINK 9/11....

If one needs names to research under world dominance or deliverance look for;

Hitler, Stalin,orJapanor try Muslims (while this religion is peaceful and forgiving in writing not all counties preach it).

There are those around the world that would love to have the big stick and crush the US, Spain, England, Israel. I am interested in knowing what this authors big plan is if not a strong military. "Showing its might" around the world helped prevent attacks on America, ever wonder why we have not been invaded like others.

There are always better ways to do anything, he just failed to write in his assay.Anyway that's my soapbox, best to all!!.....Go NAVY!!!!!! OK the AF, Army, & Marines too, would not want to leave them out.....;)

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