Saturday, March 7, 2009

Other's thoughts

This is from a gentleman named Adam that is a friend of Rick's...


As I said thanks for sharing your thoughts. Cliff, good to hear from you. Rick, I generally agree with the tone of your arguments that you are trying to convey. Most notably, I read from your arguments that you are trying to convey a sense of pride of being an American and the principles that the country upholds.

Several of those who have countered all bring up compelling counterarguments and irrefutable facts. Additionally, I think it is important to challenge and skeptical of One's Government, Religion, and others (I guess I fit the profile that Uncle Rickover wanted for a nuke).However, the impression that I get and the tone that is conveyed is that only America has committed egregrious sins and act. Also the facts support a one sided story that we as Americans are: (1) far more ethnocentric and religiously intolerant then others (2) that being ethnocentric in and of it self is a negative thing (3) our history is far more reprehensible with respect to discrimination then others (4) most of American progress was accomplished by manipulating and exploiting others and (5) Americans lack of understanding of others is the root cause of most of the problems.

As a person who can trace his genealogy back to the Revolutionary times, I am immensely proud of America with all its faults. What was done to Native Americans and African Slaves was reprehensible. However, don't forget from the beginning many white challenged and called it a curse on the country. My own great, great, great grandfather fought for the United States in the Civil War to end slavery. I find it downright insulting to claim that Americans who fought in WWI and WWII served that cause under American's White Manifest Destiny umbrella. One excerpt from a Stephen Ambrose book talks about how as the US Army fought across Europe in WWII, as the Army liberated the populace there was a sense of relief because the American GI's generally were kind to them whereas with the previous occupiers they were subjected to immense cruelty.

The Anglo-Saxon, White, Protestant value system that came to America in the 1500 and 1600's has many faults of human nature that one can find in virtually every culture that exists. However, to paint it in a one sided negative view misses so much of the rich history. America has been an innovative, prosperous and vibrant society that has been one of the most charitable, giving, and accepting society that the world has ever seen. I don't have exact figures on American charitable giving but I have seen past numbers and they are awe inspiring.

I will continue more of these but need to go to dinner with my wife. With the discussion related to Islam. I get the impression of many that it is solely the Western Christian societies who is responsible for radical Islam. Of course there is longstanding conflict that dates back to the Crusades. But to absolve radical Islamists of their own ethnocentricity; failures, greed, and manipulation within their own societies on macro scale; and so much more; is akin to say the abusive husband was justified in beating his wife. I went back recently and was reading about Todd and Lisa Beamer. Todd being the guy on Flight 93 who said, "Let's Roll." His death left two fatherless boys and a pregnant wife. Tell me any American should not be justified in thinking in national interests.

Overall, diplomacy, understanding, love, compassion, and a desire for peace should always be the first option. However, to think that alone will cure the world's ills is dangerously naive. Anyone that has been confronted by the class bully knows this. Or in other terms, if we felt that it would work, we would never lock our doors. Human nature has the capacity for great evil but it does have the capacity for great good.

The world is a challenging place. America and Americans are imperfect. However, to constantly self flagellate and not recognize its greatness is to me missing so much. Of course as Dennis Miller says, "I didn't mean to get off on a rant. That's my opinion. I could be wrong." Rick keeping rocking

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