Sunday, March 8, 2009

My response to the idiot...

I will try to respond to this as best as I can…

Since you sent the email to the person in your first question…ask me yourself who I am & I will happily tell you…

I did not quote failed governments without a military because I was NOT arguing for the United States to get rid of its military…

I will repeat this SLOWLY for you…I feel the US military should be reorganized away from its cold war force structure to a more responsive & efficient force so that it can more effectively fight the wars we appear to be facing now…plus this would eliminate the wasteful spending on programs whose cost exceeds their apparent usefulness.

I will leave your history repeats lesson without a response... your thought process speaks for itself…

I am so glad we have the big stick…I truly sleep better at night. I was just thinking the other day how glad I am that Spain & England haven’t combined with Israel to invade us. Such a relief!

I always thought the reason America stayed safe was that because no nation or pact of nations have ever had the resources to cross the Pacific or Atlantic oceans in sustainable numbers to conquer us…I guess my “location is everything” theory is obsolete now…

Okay, okay…you are right that our navies are a factor in that deterrence. I couldn’t be a complete ass.

I enjoy debating ideas immensely…but please try to have coherent thoughts backed with logical thinking and facts that we can argue about so that we don’t sling mud like you & I just have…it’s a waste of time for both of us!

The head in the sand guy…Jon

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