Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My two cents...


I got an email with the above poem from an acquaintance the other day.

These type of emails really piss me off...so I wrote him an email that went like this...

What do you mean by support? Support the actual troops with care packages, our love & thanks for being in harm’s way? Or do you mean support the war in Iraq in general?

The first meaning is absolutely correct. Our troops make great sacrifices to protect us and they are much finer men & women than I could ever hope to be. I think it is cowardly to live in comfort & peace and slander those soldiers that stand upon the wall providing us those freedoms.

I assume that the creator (& all of the people that forward it) of this message mean the second for one simple reason…those acts of cowardice are very rare in today’s society. What the war protesters did to returning vets in Vietnam was unequivocally wrong and society as a whole has recognized that…welcome home events for our troops today are peaceful and joyous…rightfully so.

Are their exceptions? Absolutely. There are outliers on both sides. I have received emails arguing to just nuke the Middle East & get it over with…obviously not an option God would favor.

I normally do not respond to these types of emails…just trash them and move on. However, as we start a new direction in American foreign policy (I’ll leave it to the individual to decide the wisdom of the direction!) I wanted to finally get this off my chest.

Many of…OK, probably most…of you that read this will disagree with my reasoning and opinions. That’s fine…I respect you for that and I am glad that we live in a country where we can disagree publicly without censorship.

An interesting note…the email shows 9 US Presidents who had American troops involved in major combat operations (I have no idea why Clinton is there? Somalia? Why him & not Reagan [Granada]? Curious)…of those I can recall only our current President & Johnson facing major (or any) opposition to the war we were involved in during their terms.
I find it interesting because those two wars are the ONLY ones we started…

Make no mistake...the troops did not choose to invade Iraq...our civilian leadership at the time did. Simply put…I can disagree with a war and still support the troops.

Please STOP implying that I am less of an American than you because I do not support a war that we are fighting!!

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