Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's been quite a year...

A year ago...

-I was making twice as much money as I do now
-I did not have a Bachelor's degree
-I was in my 17th year of retail management
-I had a total of 3 days off from Thanksgiving to Christmas
-My mother was in hospice & expected to not survive the year
This past year I realized my dream of getting out of retail management & doing something that I already love immensely...teaching. It has been a scary career move that I still question in the wee hours of the morning, not for happiness (I am) but for the strain & risk to my family.
Simply put...I work twice as hard for half the money now...but my perks included the last two weeks off with my family & that is a better than even least for me!!
As I review the many changes my family & I have experienced I take comfort in the words of Henry Commager, an American Historian of last century...
"Change does not necessarily assure progress, but progress implacably requires change. Education is essential to change, for education creates both new wants and the ability to satisfy them."
My change in life began with, involves, & will conclude some day with education. This year alone I must pass my educator certification exams, complete my Master's, & begin teaching the 6th grade in the fall.
It should be another interesting year...

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