Sunday, October 12, 2008


Okay...I think I will start out with today and maybe work backwards...or maybe I will only go forward? Decisions, decisions.

Currently I am teaching 5Th grade at a charter school in Yuma, Arizona. This is a brand new job for me since I have previously worked in retail management for the past 15+ years. I will post another time the story of how & why I became a teacher but for now I will simply say that for the first time in my life I enjoy going to work!

I have been married for 13 years and have three daughters ages 18, 13, & 12. Throw in my female German Shepard and I am surrounded by women. To say I am docile and trained after all these years would probably be an understatement!

My wife, Yesenia works at the same charter school I do and has taught Kindergarten for 2 years now. She also got out of retail and was born to teach...although I don't know how she keeps up with the little tikes. I visit her class now & then and can't stay more than a minute...they constantly sing!!

Well...that's all for now. I am posting some old pictures from a vacation to Denver last year. I guess the camera really does add 10 pounds...or was it 20?

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