Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Crazy busy

Just checking in...I still have to post graduation pics from the 17th. My life has been a bit hectic lately...I have 2 observations coming up, one from my school principal and another for my Master's program. I feel like having an observer in my classroom watching me teach is like having the whole neighborhood watch you's just uncomfortable!!

On top of the observations and my usual ginormous amount of degree homework I have the "do or die" AEPA exam on November 8th...did I mention I have to pass this test or else?! I have been secretly eyeing those "get-away" vacation emails you get in the spam away! run away!!

Ah well...I'll stop blogging so I can study for the test some more...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Gila Vista Pics

Gila Vista Concert

My sweet Maygen had a choir concert tonight...her first. She sang so well...I am so proud of her. Her group sang three songs...there was even an orchestra that wasn't half bad...all in all it was a much better concert than I had anticipated!

I tried to take pictures but they did not come out well...nor did the video I took from the camera. I have attached them anyway in the interest of full disclosure!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Columbus Day

I am finishing my 3-day weekend tonight. It's the first time I have had an extended weekend on Columbus day. To be honest, I didn't know Columbus Day was even a holiday! Being a low-paid teacher does have its perks, I guess...

This Friday I will attend my graduation ceremony with my wife...who is also graduating...and we will both receive our Bachelor's degrees...mine in Business Management & hers in Human Services.

It will be weird to have official closure on the arduous 3 1/2 years it took me to acquire my degree. I can't really relish it much though...I am a full-time first year teacher & I am already a third of the way through my Master's program.

For one night, however, I can pause and relish what I have achieved so far. Not for long, though. My AEPA teacher certification exam is on November 8th...I'm already sweating!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Family Photos


Okay...I think I will start out with today and maybe work backwards...or maybe I will only go forward? Decisions, decisions.

Currently I am teaching 5Th grade at a charter school in Yuma, Arizona. This is a brand new job for me since I have previously worked in retail management for the past 15+ years. I will post another time the story of how & why I became a teacher but for now I will simply say that for the first time in my life I enjoy going to work!

I have been married for 13 years and have three daughters ages 18, 13, & 12. Throw in my female German Shepard and I am surrounded by women. To say I am docile and trained after all these years would probably be an understatement!

My wife, Yesenia works at the same charter school I do and has taught Kindergarten for 2 years now. She also got out of retail and was born to teach...although I don't know how she keeps up with the little tikes. I visit her class now & then and can't stay more than a minute...they constantly sing!!

Well...that's all for now. I am posting some old pictures from a vacation to Denver last year. I guess the camera really does add 10 pounds...or was it 20?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


One of my students asked me to subscribe to his blog & it got the fire of blogging back into my veins.

I hope to update my blog soon with the usual beginnings...