Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Discussions, discussions

I recently psoted my response to an email I recieved on Islam & its threat to the world. Rick, my old friend from high school (who sent the message) took the time to share his thoughts on my pithy comments...

Jon, I have known you longer than most. I have kept my head in the pacifist sands of America. I too have enjoyed the peace of not knowing what is going on outside our borders.

If this came acrossed as a hate spewing message then I missed my mark. What I am saying is that we need to be "aware" of the world around us. If Hamas and Al-Qeuda are the minority and will not have influence on us I will be greatful.

You have always been my most political friend with a love of political science. I need your help in this. I don't want to become the generation that lost america under our watch.

I admit that most of my references were sent to me by others and that I can not vouch for any of them but I can tell you that we do not see all that is going on. Some things I know come from people that are paid to know the activity of the world.

I am angry with things that are going on in this world. I can tell you that the hard work that my grandmother did abroad is being destroyed because christianity is no longer acceptable in those parts of the world.

I love to travel to natures wonders but recognize that it is not "safe" to travel as an american. I guess my request and the intent of this letter is to get the facts straight so I can do right by my children and also for the generations of my family that have proudly served the military because they believed in this country.

I simply can't watch another beheading in the name of islam without doing what is "right" by my family and our country. I figure you will give the most unbiased basis for whether we are alowing our country slip into this "Sharia Law" or just being paranoid. I stood by idle as they have slowly removed "God" from government and public places.

I don't believe you have changed that much to believe that was necessary. I will await your response. You found the information to be unacredited. I ask that you can take that same energy and find out if perhaps this threat that does or doesn't exist.

Please help, your dearest friend,Rick

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